Monday, November 22, 2010

Ben Smith Spills the Beans: Obama’s Middle East Policy Is a Disaster

Jennifer Rubin
22 November '10

Ben Smith reveals what nearly every serious Middle East observer already knows: Obama has made things worse, not better, in that volatile region. He reports:

Instead of becoming a heady triumph of his diplomatic skill and special insight, Obama’s peace process is viewed almost universally in Israel as a mistake-riddled fantasy. And far from becoming the transcendent figure in a centuries-old drama, Obama has become just another frustrated player on a hardened Mideast landscape. …

Meanwhile, Palestinian leaders have refused American demands to hold peace talks with the Israelis before the freeze is extended. Talks with Arab states over gestures intended to build Israeli confidence – a key part of Obama’s early plan — have long since been scrapped.

The political peace process to which Obama committed so much energy is considered a failure so far. And in the world’s most pro-American state, the public and its leaders have lost any faith in Obama and – increasingly — even in the notion of a politically negotiated peace.
Obama naturally blames everyone else. But the criticism is biting and personal: it is Obama and his misguided ideology that are at the root of the problem:

(Read full post)

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1 comment:

  1. Obama has made muslims generally very happy: he has encouraged a tsunami of Jew-hatred around the world, making it a legitimate weapon against Israel, and scooping along with him every type of nazi scumbag in existance.

    In effect he has achieved what all muslims wish to achieve; the polarisation of the world against Israel and Jews!!

    Wasn't he put there for that purpose?
