Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jumbled News and A Clear Message of Triumph

Paula R. Stern
A Soldier's Mother
27 September '10

Sometimes, the news jumbles together and you wonder how it is possible not to learn a lesson from the very clear path it builds for you. There is a truth, even in the lies our enemies tell. A truth so bitter, so real, that our leaders refuse to listen, even if it means our deaths.

As I drove to work recently, I listened as the news reported that Abbas was telling Israel that we had to choose between peace and settlements. It is a formula that might make sense, if it was the settlements that prevented peace. It is a lie that might fool the most ignorant but for those who understand that we have not built for 10 months while Abbas made no effort to make peace, it is yet another abomination. We have done so much; Abbas has done nothing but avoid negotiations, set preconditions, and spin truths into the most horrid of lies.

For 10 months, we caved into Obama; to the US, the UN, the EU, and worst of all, our own desperation to believe that peace can be shoved down the throats of the Palestinians despite their very clear message that they worship death and violence, not peace and harmony. For 10 months, Netanyahu wanted us to believe the impossible – that you can dance alone to a tune only he hears; that you can convince those who seek to confuse, that honesty is the better road. For 10 months. For 10 months there was nothing. Nothing but rockets, stone throwing attacks. Nothing but accusations, preconditions, demands.

(Read full story)

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  1. Thanks for posting my article here - it's nice to see is shared! I hope your readers read to the end...only then will they see the amazing triumph of this week, despite the earlier news of the day. Moadim l'simcha.


  2. My pleasure. I'm definitely a fan and feel "A Soldier's Mother" adds a lot to personalizing what it means to live a Jewish life in Eretz Israel.
