Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Friday killings: Jordan condemns but pay attention to whom - by Arnold Roth

...Obviously it's orders of magnitude easier for Jordan to blame Israel than to bite the bullet of Palestinian Arab and Jordanian (essentially one and the same) adoration of terror, jihad and killing Jews. It's called speaking from both sides of your mouth - but it's far, far less dangerous to those doing the speaking. UNESCO is bound to start calling the Hashemite Kingdom to order any minute now.

Wael Arabiyat
Arnold/Frimet Roth..
This Ongoing War..
16 July '17..

You can take seriously this report in today's Times of Israel if you like: "Jordan king condemns Temple Mount attack in call with Netanyahu". But note that it is barely re-reported outside Israel and the actual language of the Hashemite king's "condemnation" is hard to find.

On the other hand, Petra, the official voice of Jordan's government, still has its condemnation of Israel in the name of its Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Wael Arabiyat.

He manages to include

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